Software Management

Every business, no matter the size, must protect themselves from today’s cyber attacks.

The growing threat of advanced cyber-attacks on critical business systems presents a unique challenge for small businesses. A digital data breach that causes downtime can cost a business owner thousands of dollars and significant operational consequences.

Traditional Anti-virus and Anti-malware software is no longer enough. Small businesses relying on outdated security technologies are now at risk from more sophisticated threats. Over 50% of small business owners experience a cyber-attack that costs thousands upon thousands of dollars. Moreover, nearly 60% of those victims close their doors permanently in less than 6 months due to a cyber security breach.

We have the latest technology in cybersecurity protection and enterprise level solutions. We give organizations a broad range of cybersecurity services that eliminates the need to hire security professionals. Businesses of all sizes can experience the benefits of a team of security experts to ensure their business is protected.

Software security systems are vital to ensure your property and employees are safe. Enterprise level teams are ready to provide alarms, surveillance, and access control systems.

Software managment consulting

Software Management Redundant

Don’t let expired and redundant software assets add to your it costs.
Our software asset tracking and management services will optimize your software licensing to reduce costs and guarantee compliance. Tracking & management services provide the following benefits:

  • Remove redundancies in your software library to reduce costs.
  • Remove the risk of non-compliance or improper software use.
  • Keep your software up-to-date to ensure security and optimal performance.

Prepare for any emergency with disaster recovery & backup solutions.
At the heart of your technical infrastructure is data. But, what happens if (or rather when) a disaster — natural or man-made – occurs? Will you be able to continue? How long will it take you to get things running smoothly again? GEM Technologies’ data backup and recovery services include the design and implementation of a data backup and business continuity plan using either on-site or off-site equipment. Plus, we’ll manage and monitor your backups to ensure you always have access to what you need, when you need it.

Software Management Error
Software Management Data Backup

Data Backup and Recovery Services by GEM Technologies
GEM Technologies performs full assessments to determine your business continuity needs and implements solutions to address a variety of scenarios. We also run tests of the disaster recovery environment throughout the year, because when a disaster occurs, you need the peace of mind that comes with knowing that everything works exactly as planned.

Benefits of data backup and recovery services

  • Full assessment of business continuity needs
  • Professionally designed and implemented backup and recovery plan
  • Regularly scheduled backup of all vital data
  • Backups monitored to ensure proper execution*
  • Thoroughly tested recovery plan
  • Remote or on-site issue resolution
Software Management Data Recovery

Our certified team will identify inefficiencies so that you both save on costs and get the maximum benefit out of your software.

Consulting today to audit your software management issues

Complete software asset tracking services
Your company’s software library is a critical asset. Not only does it drive your daily operations in a growing number of ways, but the incorporation of new software capabilities can give you a real edge over your competition. Power Consulting’s software asset tracking and management services provide comprehensive support for your software library.

  • We automate the tracking process to create a full view of your assets to help reduce costs
  • Reduce compliance risks
  • Ensure optimal performance

Don’t let common software issues plague your business
Let our highly skilled team of IT specialists help you today with…

  • Improper or out-of-date software licenses
  • Insufficient updates
  • Technical problems that increase security risk

Keep your software secure
While your software library is critical to your business operations, it’s also a potential conduit for cyber-attacks. You can close security vulnerabilities through Power Consulting’s software asset management services. Through our automated license tracking software, we’ll ensure that your software assets are kept updated in alignment with current security standards.

Software license tracking
Improper and/or out-of-date software licensing is a major risk for your company. With budgets as tight as they already are, you can’t afford dealing with the legal penalties for unlicensed software and the related security costs. Through our software license tracking services, we’ll ensure that:

  • Your software library meets all compliance regulations
  • You are using genuine and fully-supported copies of software
  • We’ll remove the risk of non-compliance and minimize your software library’s security vulnerabilities

Optimize software costs
By removing redundancies in your software licensing and closing compliance and security gaps, you’ll benefit from immediate cost-savings.
In addition to tracking software licenses, our services will optimize your software library so that you aren’t wasting valuable resources on licenses you do not need.
Just-in-time Software Deployment

Power consulting
Will automatically deploy your software company-wide with stringent software deployment policies.
We work hand in hand with software asset tracking reports to create a truly automated. This identifies not just every application your users have, but what version each user is using.

Software Management Disk

Software security

Software security is the umbrella term used to describe software that is engineered such that it continues to function correctly under malicious attack. Software security describes methodologies, frameworks, processes, and strategies that enhance security and reduce vulnerabilities within software and the environment in which it runs. Approaches to software security are frequently structured around potential malicious cyber attacks. Software security also attempts to identify, protect against, and create solutions for vulnerabilities that are not the result of malicious attacks but are nonetheless harmful.

Software security looks to increase the integrity of software by testing and fortifying software at the various stages and environments it moves through during the software development lifecycle (SDLC) and following its release.

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